Sharpening Scrapers

Cabinet or Card Scrapers - Sharpen the edge of cabinet scrapers with the tool guide bar set to a 90 degree angle. Rotate the tool guide bar so the scraper may be positioned in front of and rest against the flat portion of the bar. The flat of the tool guide bar will support the scraper vertically as the abrasive disc rotates. Hold the flat sides of the scraper on the abrasive surface and polishing both sides along the cutting edge. Roll a burr along the edge with a burnishing tool.


Sharpening Edge of Cabinet Scraper

Sharpening Scraper Photo


Polishing Side of Scraper

Sharpening Scrapers Photo


Scraper Planes - Sharpening the scraper plane bevel with the tool guide bar, is similar to the process explained for planes and chisels. The major difference is that scraper plane blades usually have a 45 degree angle.


Sharpening Bevel at 45º

Sharpening Planes


Flattening Back

Flattening Back


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